Of course I remember very well when I spent the night at the Stansted Airport London. It is a very nice, clean, spacefull airport free hotel  I've ever been ^^.. no matter how comfortable that is,... I actually prefer to be able to go straight home,... but...

Many times I went already to Playa San Juan,... but...

Still recovering from the flu. Nothing change much, except that I don't feel that weak. But I haven't sew, no cleaning in the house, still cough and spit the mock out.... ewww...
...and I can't keep up my schedule.
The other day I tried to write a blog in Indonesian,... I struggled a lot, I guess I lack of practicing ;(.... so I stop... maybe I'll continue later,...
Today is the third day of my daily housewife schedule ,....

Morning istri Teladan,,,, Second day of my new schedule,....

Morning everyone,.... morning to every IstriTeladan,... first day of my schedule attempt ...

Since I don't have to go to school or work, I rarely wake up in the morning. I don't have a motivation to wake up early, I started to stay awake all night and go to bed around 2 - 3 o'clock in the morning, that makes me kinda....err become a sleepy head and lazy to jump off the bed in the morning... ;(

    Istri Teladan

    Tulisan tidak penting hanya untuk dokumentasi pribadi. Silahkan dibaca jika punya waktu luang...


    September 2012
    August 2012


    Housewife Daily Schedule
    Melewati Perbatasan
    Sleeping At The Airport